Waipfaru Pink Glitter Roses Bouquet, DIY Fake Flowers Bouquet, Artificial Rose Bouquet for Valentine’s Day, Mothers Day Gifts, Anniversary, Engagement, Wedding, 24 Roses


💗BRING THE JOY OF DIY:Ignite your creative spark with our DIY glitter roses bouquet — a crafting delight that includes 24 pink glitter roses, stems, ribbons, wrapping papers, crown, and 6 butterflies. Assemble a masterpiece that blooms with your hands, capturing handcrafted allure that you can share with your loved ones.
💗ROMANTIC & REALISTIC GLIMMER: Our glitter flowers bouquet is crafted from high-quality plastic and dorned with a layer of delicate glitter. Rose bouquet will not only capture the enchanting glimmer of romance, uplifting the senses to a world of dazzling beauty, but also offer a lasting delight, aesthetic elegance, and the mesmerizing allure.
💗COLORFUL EMOTIONS CHOOSE: Glitter rose is available in 9 colors: passionate red, serene blue, graceful purple, gentle pink, mysterious black, unique rose gold, warm yellow, enchanted lilac and vivifying green. Each hue of glitter flowers is a testament to emotion, crafted with artistic grace to convey the depth of your sentiments.
