Category Archives: News

How Bad is the Monkeypox Virus?

How Bad is the Monkeypox Virus?
[ad_1] The viral disease monkeypox is spreading around the world. So far, there are more than 6,300 known cases in the U.S., almost entirely among gay and bisexual men. New York, California, Illinois and some cities have declared states of emergency, following the World Health Organization’s own declaration of a global emergency. The headlines are […]

A New Axis? – The New York Times

A New Axis? – The New York Times
[ad_1] There are no easy choices for the U.S. in this situation. If Pelosi had canceled the visit, she would have been overruling the wishes of Taiwan’s leaders. A visit, said my colleague Amy Qin, who is based in Taiwan, “boosts Taiwan’s legitimacy on the international stage.” As Edward Wong, a Times correspondent who covers […]